What’s Wrong with This Document?


The document below is the first page in the body of an assignment that must be consistent with APA guidelines. Identify and correct deviations from APA guidelines in the document.




Returning to School                                                                                                                                                Page 1


Learning new skills and knowledge is something that is required every day in my job. Currently, I am not eligible for promotions because I don’t have the necessary college degree. Also, when I try to compete with others for jobs that don’t require a college degree, the other applicants have some type of formal education on their résumés that outweighs my background.I want this college degree so I can compete with others for the jobs for which I am qualified. Today’s employment market is filled with talented people who have various degrees, speak multiple languages, and have varying experience levels. Without a degree, it will become more difficult as I get older to find a position I not only enjoy but that also provides for my family.





            At the end of my degree program, I hope that I gain skills in three areas:  critical thinking, writing, and collaboration. Of these three areas, I think my critical thinking skills need the most attention. I need to work on the following areas:


  1. Improve my ability to look at other options
  2. Improve my ability to ask open-ended questions

Improve my ability to do research

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