need original post and classmate respond

need original post and classmate respond

Explain three (3) ways that the postmodern therapies differ from most of the other therapeutic approaches you have studied thus far.Be sure to connect your response to something you learned in Chapter 13 or from the chapters covering the other therapy techniques you are using for your comparison.To clearly illustrate that connection, your response must contain the page number from the textbook in order to earn full credit.

plus respond. the the classmate

In this course, I have been able to learn many types of therapeutic approaches which have been educative and informing, and I am looking forward to applying them in my therapeutic services. The postmodern therapy generally focuses on deconstructing the beliefs and examining the values that make an individual life. The postmodern approach to therapy differs from most of the other therapeutic approaches, and this is because through the approach it is changing the face of contemporary psychotherapy through helping clients modify their painful beliefs, interpretation, and values (Corey. 2017, p. 383). This approach helps various clients encountering various problems to have a new meaning about their lives and creating new possibilities from the stories they share with their therapists. This is different from the other theories discussed since many emphasized listening to clients only without making any positive or negative judgment.

The second reason is that unlike other therapeutic approaches patients who have undergone postmodern therapy generally report the incidence of stress reduction, conflict resolution and an improved level of understanding especially on how the various social practices affect their well-being (Corey. 2017, p. 391). Through a narrative approach, many therapists generally concentrate on understanding the stories which dominate a client personal, social and cultural level. The other way that postmodern therapies differ from most of the other therapeutic approach is that the approach helps the clients to build on solutions that will help solve the problems that they encounter without a therapist assessing the nature of problems that the client encounters (Corey. 2017, p. 374). Through the postmodern therapies especially solution-focused therapy gives a client the opportunity to be engaged in the therapeutic process (Corey. 2017, p. 376). In many therapies discussed like feminist therapy, the therapist does not focus on working towards terminating the contract after a satisfactory client solution is attained which happens in solution-focused therapy.

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