DQ Questions

DQ Questions


Instructions for each set of questions must be followed to the letter.


Write a 100 word response to each of the bulleted questions below. Each question must have its own response.


  • What are the three types of activities reported in the statement of cash flow?  Describe them?
  • Which of the three is most important to you? Why?
  • Why is the statement of cash flows useful?
  • Why are stock transactions recorded under financing activities of the cash flow statement instead of the investing activities section? 
  • Can a company still be profitable and have a limited cash on hand?
  • Should one invest in a company with a weak cash flow statement? 


Write a 75 – 100 word response to each of the bulleted questions below. Each question must has its own response.


  • List some personal traits and skills of an effective leader.
  • What are some skills that leaders need to possess? 
  • How can managers develop leadership skills?
  • Do you think leaders can easily identify sources of power in organizations?
  •  Is it possible for employee to develop a vision that will help them become a leader?
  • Explain the relationship between setting effective expectations and organizational performance.


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