A Closer Look at Middle Eastern and White Populations

A Closer Look at Middle Eastern and White Populations

Directions: This assignment consists of two short answer questions and is worth 30 points.

The following short answer assignment consists of 1-2 case scenarios accompanied by a total of 2 questions. The questions will require you to apply the concepts described in this lesson to specific case scenarios.

While it is important to remember that we are talking about cultures in general terms that do not always apply to specific individuals, for the purposes of this assignment some degree of “heritage consistency” can be assumed

Response to each question must be in the form of a 100 to 250-word well-developed paragraph, with well-developed sentences, correct spelling, and proper grammar. It is important to review the lesson objectives and be sure to demonstrate your achievement of those objectives in your response

Cite all sources of information, including your textbook, using last name and page numbers in parenthesis in the text; for a book: (Author’s last name, year, p. ###). Provide a resource list at the conclusion of the assignment formatted as in this example: Author’s last name, first initial. (year). Title in italics. Location of publisher: Publisher


Scenario: Ayala is a 25 year old Orthodox Jewish woman who is 17 weeks pregnant. Because of risk factors it was determined that an amniocentesis would be done to rule out Tay-Sachs. The baby was diagnosed positively with Tay-Sachs and, consequently, her and her husband are now processing what this diagnosis means.

Question 1: Apply Giger and Davidhizar’s Transcultural Assessment Model, analyzing at least 3 cultural phenomena that may apply in this scenario to assess the client’s potential needs for culture-specific care.

Question 2: Propose specific culturally relevant interventions that the health care team may want to implement when using culture-specific care, in order to cultivate a healing relationship with the patient and/or family.

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