Against animal testing

Against animal testing

Government Officials and Agencies:

Describe in 1 or 2 sentences that the following political actors that are against animal testing and would revise the Animal Welfare Act to protect all animal species.

• One elected official who is actively working in your policy area. Make sure this official is useful and relevant to contact regarding your policy work. – -Give their full name, title and the level of government in which they work (e.g., federal, state or local). Explain why you would contact this elected official about your policy ideas.

• One governmental agency actively involved in implementing the law in your policy area. Make sure this agency is useful and relevant to your policy work. Give the full name of the agency, name the current administrator at the head of that agency and the level of government in which they operate (e.g., federal, state or local). Explain why you would contact this agency about your policy ideas.

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