Compare and contrast the theories presented by Elman Service and Timothy Earle on the evolution of chiefdoms.

Compare and contrast the theories presented by Elman Service and Timothy Earle on the evolution of chiefdoms.

Complete question: Compare and contrast the theories presented by Elman Service and Timothy Earle on the evolution of chiefdoms. What are the key points on which Earle differs? Given your understanding of chiefdoms, which theory do you prefer and why?

Answer needs to be 1-2 pages 350 – 500 words. Works cited section for references need.

Introduce the topic to the reader in 3-5 sentences. Leave the body for the facts. Focus on a strong thesis statement leading into the body of paper. Let the last sentence in the introduction be the thesis statement.

Question from GED 210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Text: Cultural Anthropology: A Global Perspective 8th Edition, 2012. ISBN 13: 978-0-205-15880-5. Author: Raymond Scupin. Essay must contain material from textbook.

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