Discussion 4.4 Abstract Expressionist Art

Discussion 4.4 Abstract Expressionist Art

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After watching the videos & reading the articles preceding this exercise, how has your understanding of American Abstract Expressionist art changed?

  • Why have women and artists of color been left out of the “traditional” story of American Abstract Expressionist art? Is there something about the mythology of “genius” and “Existential creation” that is central to the narrative of Ab Ex that wasn’t inclusive of women and people of color during mid-century America?
  • Why are some contemporary art historians calling for us to rethink our typical understanding of Abstract Art? Why is it important to include these other marginalized or forgot artists who contributed to the formation of the modern art movement in America?
  • How can you contribute to these debates by drawing on what you’ve learned in this class thus far, namely in our previous “Rethinking the Canon” exercises?

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