in 100 words answer the following

in 100 words answer the following

Using the internet as your resource, find and read the caseIllinois v. Brown (In ReFetus Brown). When searching for the case, be sure to use reliableinternet resources. Most trusted sources end in .edu or .gov, but other websitescan be trusted if they seem relatively free of opinion or bias, are current, andhave a reputable author or sponsoring organization.

Then answer these 2 questions in 100 words

1. Using the Three-Step Ethical Model   Is it legal? Is it balanced? How does it make me feel? evaluate the ethical dilemmaassociated with the refusal of a blood transfusion.

2. Look at this case from one of the ethical standpoint consequential approach Summarize theethical standpoint and use it to show how you might have come to a similar ordifferent decision in this case.

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