Inquiry 3,4,5 in diferrent page please. thanks! Before 11:30 PM TONIGHT SEPT 24TH 2018

Inquiry 3,4,5 in diferrent page please. thanks! Before 11:30 PM TONIGHT SEPT 24TH 2018

-Inquiry 3-

Then, do these two things:

1. Building on your work from class today, respond to at least two of these questions. You can focus on the question you worked on in your group or choose a different one–it’s up to you!

  • How does MLK present his character and cultural outlook/worldview?
  • How does he involve the audience in the emotion of anger?
  • What agreed-upon values does he invoke? How does he do it?
  • Who are his audiences? What are his purposes throughout the speech?

2. Reflect on the process. Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What did you take away from our rhetorical examination of “I Have A Dream”?
  • What did you learn from MLK about rhetorical decision-making?
  • How might this new knowledge inform you as a writer/rhetor when you read, listen, speak, and write?
  • Who do you think you are now as a rhetor/writer?
  • Thoughts, feelings, connections, questions

-Inquiry 4


  • Wysocki, “The Multiple Media of Texts” (1-15)
  • McCloud, “The Vocabulary of Comics” (24-59)
  • BONUS: Wilson, Wyatt, & Alphona, “No Normal” [Ms. Marvel Vol. 1] OR any comic of your choice


  • Choose 1 principle you learned from Wysocki and write about how you see it at work in a text you have seen recently. In other words, do a mini rhetorical analysis. How is the author using multiple modes to appeal to their audience?
  • Do the same as above with a principle from McCloud. Use part of a comic (like Ms. Marvel) if you’d like.

Include a picture of each text that you discuss in your inquiry.

-Inquiry 5-

For this inquiry,

  • Read Phyllis Mentzel Ryder’s article “Beyond Critique: Global Activism and the Case of Malala Yousafzai” (~10 pages) (PDF under Files in the “Readings” folder on Canvas) (also downloadable here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).
  • Write in response to these mini prompts. To answer the prompts fully, spend time exploring your ideas. Give examples, tell stories from your life, and make connections to your life experiences, media you have seen (books, TV, movies, news, social media and other online content, etc.), our course content, and other courses you are taking/have taken.

  1. What are misconceptions that people have or have had about you or someone close to you (e.g. family and friends)? How have those misconceptions affected you or the people close to you?
  2. What negative conceptions about an aspect of your identity (e.g. linguistic, cultural, personality- or hobbies-related, etc.) have you encountered in your life? How have they affected you? How have you pushed back against those negative conceptions? What “counter-conceptions” or counter-narratives have you created about yourself or want to create about yourself? (If you don’t want to talk about yourself, feel free to respond to this prompt by writing instead about a person or a group of people you care about.)
  3. What did you learn from Adichie’s talk? OR, choose an idea, insight, or quote from “The Danger of the Single Story” that stands out to you and write your thoughts and reflections about it.
  4. What did you learn from Ryder’s analysis of Malala’s rhetoric? OR, Choose an idea, insight, or quote from “Beyond Critique: Global Activism and the Case of Malala Yousafzai” that stands out to you and write your thoughts and reflections about it.
  5. BONUS: What questions do you have now that you have read these two texts? What ideas, questions, or phenomena are you interested in? What do you want to explore further?

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