please write a 3-4 page paper which follow the instruction I post

please write a 3-4 page paper which follow the instruction I post

You will introduce your topic and then present your literature review. This section should be 3-5 pages.

Literature Review

A literature review is a survey of sources within a field of study, and is an integral part of a research project. A literature review includes both summary and synthesis and provides the reader with an overview of the scholarly work that has been done on a particular topic.

A literature review is not an annotated bibliography. The author must show what has been written in a particular field and prove how his or her research is going to add to the body of knowledge.

A literature review should be considered as one part of the overall argument of your research paper or project. It is your opportunity to describe what is already known about your topic, gaps in the body of knowledge, and how your research fits in to the larger picture.

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