There are 5 journal of question please answer them separately

There are 5 journal of question please answer them separately

  • Journal Entry 1Think of yourself at a particular time in your childhood. Using the model from Urie Bronfenbrenner, reflect in your journal about the following:
    1. Microsystem: Describe your family, your school, and teacher, your peer group, the media-favorite TV shows, books movies and your surrounding community.
    2. Mesosystem: How your parents interacted with your peers, how your parents interacted with your school, whether your parents helped with schoolwork, and how your community supported your school or activities (e.g., sports).
    3. Exosystem: Your parents’ jobs, vacations you took, and whether there was a divorce in your family.
    4. Macrosystem: Describe your ethnic heritage and your religious affiliations. Do you live in a city or country setting? What is your social class (poor, working-class, middle-class, wealthy), and what was going on in the world at the time (e.g., Vietnam War, who was president, etc.)
    5. Chronosystem: Name a historical event or a more gradual historical change during your life (the change in the number of women who work outside of the home).
  • Journal Entry 2You may (a) consult with your parents about your birth, (b) interview a new parent about their birth experience, or (c) consider the birth of your child. If you cannot remember or cannot ask your parents, you can write about your children, or interview another person about their first year. Please discuss the following in your journal:
    1. Describe the events leading up to the delivery. Where did the delivery take place and who was present? Was any medication used? How soon were you able to hold the baby and when did you name the child?
    2. What were the first weeks at home like and what problems did you experience? Describe a typical day at home during the first weeks after the baby was born.
    3. If possible, write about your first year of life. Where did you sleep and when did you begin to sleep through the night? Were you breastfed or bottle-fed and when were you introduced to solid food? How old were you when you: rolled over, sat up, crawled, cruised, walked along?
    4. What were some of your favorite toys, first words, favorite books, and what game did you like to play? What is your earliest memory and how old were you? Was there more than one language spoken at home?
    5. How would you describe your temperament? Were you an easy child, a difficult child, or a slow-to-warm-up child? If you had brothers or sisters, how different or similar were your individual temperaments? Do you think temperament is inherited?
  • JOURNAL ENTRY 3Listed below are some questions to help you recreate your life as a preschooler.
    1. Where did your family live when you were a preschooler and who was residing in the house? Did you share a bedroom and did you have a “going to bed” routine? What was your favorite toy, story, and game? Describe one of your preschool birthdays.
    2. Recreate a holiday. Do any of the family traditions still occur today? If you have children, do you carry on these traditions in a similar fashion?
    3. Did your mother work and if she did, who took care of you? When did you first write your name? Do you recall any particular event, pleasant or traumatic, that happened to you or your family between two and six years of age? How might this have affected your later development? Who was your closest friend? Describe an everyday activity you played.
    4. Reflect on your early childhood years. What style of parenting did your parents use? Has your parents’ style affected the person you have become? Has their style of parenting changed how you plan to discipline your children?
    5. What socioeconomic status was your family? List any values, beliefs, attitudes, holidays, foods, etc. supported by your ethnic group(s). What religion did your family practice and describe the effects of that religion on your school years? Did you experience any school difficulties during your elementary school years? How do you think your upbringing affects how you plan to raise your family?
    1. Think back to your elementary and junior high years. How would you describe your social competence, were you a high or a low-status child? Did you play predominantly with high or low-status children? Think of a popular child in your school and describe the characteristics contributed to the child’s popularity. Think of an unpopular child and describe the characteristics contributed to the child’s unpopularity.
    2. Body image is an important part of your self-esteem and is especially true during adolescence. Because of the rapid changes taking place, many adolescents are dissatisfied with their bodies. Think back to high school. How did you feel about your body?
    3. Try to imagine yourself on a typical day in high school. Compared to others, how did you feel about your: height, weight, breasts, muscles, ears, hips, legs, nose, hair, eyes, face, clothes, posture, nails, athletic ability, skin, teeth, smile, sexual activity with a date, and overall body. How do you think these early adolescent feelings have affected how you feel about yourself now?
    4. Now reflect on your adulthood experience. Do you plan to get married or are you already married or in a relationship? Do you have any children?
    5. What are your goals? When did you decide to go to college and why did you choose this college? Is this your first time in college? If you are older than 20, why did you delay going to college? What difficulties are you experiencing? Is college like what you expected it to be; how is it different?
    1. Think of your current lifestyle. What health habits do you need to acquire to live longer and healthier? What can you do to help yourself change these poor habits? Do you have any family history of diseases or early death that would encourage you to do so?
    2. Interview your parent(s) about their health, children, parents, friends, how they met, marriage, financial problems, disappointments, and vivid memories of good times that happened, then consider what you could do differently or the same when you get the age of your parent(s).
    3. Interview your grandparent(s) and find out what lifestyle they have. Do they have enough money to meet their needs? How are their health and relationship?
    4. How do you imagine you will handle your successful aging after age 65? Will you gradually withdraw from the world to enjoy peace and solitude do the things you want to do, like read or relax, according to the DISENGAGEMENT THEORY OF SUCCESSFUL AGING? Or do you imagine you will want to continue an active life full of socializing, volunteer work, being with family, going on trips, etc., according to the ACTIVITY THEORY OF SUCCESSFUL AGING? Tie your speculations into how you view your personality today.
    5. Try to paint a picture of your life at 65 or older.

    make sure answer must be

  • 275 word or more
  • critical thinking, no coping no paste
  • no spelling or grammar error.
  • no capitalization error.
  • each journal answer must be separate

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